This leads to a plateau level of expectations from the application and also lets you think about alternative options to approach when the application is actually rejected. Teal offers a number of ways to enhance your LinkedIn experience, from optimizing your profile to helping you with cold outreach and recommendation requests. When seeking out new positions, Teal’s Job Tracker is an effective tool that can help add a routine to your search.

People with depression may not even pass the physical fitness tests that most jobs require while joining. Sometimes it’s hard to stop thinking about your unemployment situation, but don’t let it consume you. Try to put dedicated time every day toward your job search, and then let it be. Getting motivation to start job searching is hard, and it’s just as hard to stay motivated. On average, job applicants send their CVs to openings and receive about 6-10 rejections.

Coping strategies for job search anxiety

At Cheeky Scientist we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples of PhDs who have successfully transitioned should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is informative in nature and is not intended to be legal, occupational, vocational or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof.

Is job search depression real?

If you've ever felt sad, anxious, hopeless, defeated, or even depressed about your job search, you're not alone. Even the most well-qualified candidates experience these symptoms for a number of different reasons, including: Lack of quality positions.

Most importantly, step away from negative mentors or academic advisors and seek out positive leaders to help you. Instead, you need to surround yourself with positive people. When I was at a conference presenting my data, I never took criticism personally.

Job Searching Is Hard, So Is Dealing With Depression—Here’s What to Know If You’re Doing Both

You might not have the right skills for the job you’re applying for. Job search depression is a real thing, and it’s not something you should take lightly. Stress from job-seeking has been linked to emotional and mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Globally, there are over 2,000 helplines and hotlines, and the support they offer varies across topics and populations. What unites them is their shared aim to support people who are experiencing mental health distress or emotional pain. Helplines are there to assist you in a time of emotional pain, and to support those who may be noticing warning signs of an emotional crisis in those they care about.

job search rejection depression

So, think about what you are doing at the moment for your future. While some people accept rejection as a part of life, some don’t. While it is okay to be utterly disappointed after a rejection is natural, it is not normal to be depressed for long periods of time. Positive encouragement and patience can be critical for someone who has lost a job. A person who is still grieving may seem lazy or disinterested, but loved ones should remember that may also be a sign of depression. Having a conversation about shifting household tasks and family roles may also be helpful.

Strategies For Staying Motivated In Your Job Search

So turn to them when you need to talk things out before an interview or cry about a hard-hitting rejection and when you want to have dinner and forget all about jobs. O’Donnell believes your first step is to start thinking of yourself in a new role — as a “business of one” trying to sell your services to a potential employer. Next, she says, you should adopt a positive mindset and surround yourself with positive people — especially those who could become part of your professional network.

Thank you for your response and for updating me on the status of the job interview. Although I was not the best fit, I am thankful for the opportunity to interview with XYZ Company. The very fact that you made a conscious decision to put yourself out there, is a positive. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t spend too much time beating up yourself. In every agitating or painful experience, we can find a pearl of wisdom if we look for it.